

Sunday - 9:00AM Sunday School; 10:30AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Bible study

Gethsemane Park Apostolic Church Leadership

Gethsemane Park Apostolic Church is blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will. Following are brief bio's of our leadership team and their qualifications for ministry.

Suffragan Bishop Michael C. Newman

Pastor, Founder Gethsemane Park

Excerpts from a message: "I'm Not of my Own" Romans 3:21-26

Until we can get Christians thinking in the correct frame of mind, they will continue to live on the edge and in the shadow of fear. While many are attempting to know Christ and some do already know him, the vacumn of making an error seems to haunt them to the grave. Therefore, we live in the avenue of excuses just in case so that we can use the cliche "nobody is perfect".

What must occur in your soul is a hunger and thirst to pursue righteousness. What we must understand about ourselves is that righteousness with God is the request of the soul. But it's desires cannot be quenched unless, in our own mind, there is a search for God. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who has the recipe with the ingredients for soul satisfaction. The bible calls this redemption.

Now, Paul gives us a description of righteousness declared by Jesus Christ. In verse 25, the center stage, the blood of Christ, of whom he declares to be "propitiation" which is the appeasement of God. In the exodus of the children of Israel, when God saw the blood, he would pass over whomever was under it.

I John 2:3 declares that Jesus is to us, "the propitiation". Now what this actually translates to you and I is that Jesus is the mercy seat and the blood sprinkled up on it. What this means, when you bring blood to God of a beast, is when you sacrifice his life, God will let you keep your life. Leviticus says, "and the life of all flesh is in the blood."

This goes deeper because when Jesus died and rose again, you must remember that he did not need blood any longer to live. He was living by the Spirit that bored him in the womb of Mary.

Pastor Michael C. Newman

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Excerpts from a message: "I'm Not of my Own" Romans 3:21-26

Until we can get Christians thinking in the correct frame of mind, they will continue to live on the edge and in the shadow of fear. While many are attempting to know Christ and some do already know him, the vacumn of making an error seems to haunt them to the grave. Therefore, we live in the avenue of excuses just in case so that we can use the cliche "nobody is perfect".

What must occur in your soul is a hunger and thirst to pursue righteousness. What we must understand about ourselves is that righteousness with God is the request of the soul. But it's desires cannot be quenched unless, in our own mind, there is a search for God. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who has the recipe with the ingredients for soul satisfaction. The bible calls this redemption.

Now, Paul gives us a description of righteousness declared by Jesus Christ. In verse 25, the center stage, the blood of Christ, of whom he declares to be "propitiation" which is the appeasement of God. In the exodus of the children of Israel, when God saw the blood, he would pass over whomever was under it.

I John 2:3 declares that Jesus is to us, "the propitiation". Now what this actually translates to you and I is that Jesus is the mercy seat and the blood sprinkled up on it. What this means, when you bring blood to God of a beast, is when you sacrifice his life, God will let you keep your life. Leviticus says, "and the life of all flesh is in the blood."

This goes deeper because when Jesus died and rose again, you must remember that he did not need blood any longer to live. He was living by the Spirit that bored him in the womb of Mary.

Pastor Michael C. Newman

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Lady Darlene Newman

Church Administrator

Greetings in the name of Jesus!

I count it a privilege and an honor to serve the Lord by serving God's people. The Lord chose me so I owe HIM my life---I am dedicated and committed to service and walking in obedience to HIS word.

I realize that there are many distractions in life that can deter you from your initial call. It pays to stay connected to the Word of God. I am reminded of many scriptures but one that comes to mind is in St. John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments." It further says in verse 21 "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."

I am grateful for the love of God. When we are following and obeying the Word of God, we are declaring our love for the Lord. We cannot get lost following Jesus. He will not leave us ignorant if we are truly trusting HIM. Won't you try Him today? He loves us and gave His life for us.

There is still hope for the world today, according to 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." If we would do this, we would have the remedy. Unfortunately, hearts have been hardened and many are passing into judgement not knowing the full truth, without repenting or receiving forgiveness of sins in their lives.

Try Jesus today. He is the answer for the world, for you and for me. Be Blessed and Stay Blessed!

Serving Faithfully,

Lady Darlene Newman

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Greetings in the name of Jesus!

I count it a privilege and an honor to serve the Lord by serving God's people. The Lord chose me so I owe HIM my life---I am dedicated and committed to service and walking in obedience to HIS word.

I realize that there are many distractions in life that can deter you from your initial call. It pays to stay connected to the Word of God. I am reminded of many scriptures but one that comes to mind is in St. John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments." It further says in verse 21 "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."

I am grateful for the love of God. When we are following and obeying the Word of God, we are declaring our love for the Lord. We cannot get lost following Jesus. He will not leave us ignorant if we are truly trusting HIM. Won't you try Him today? He loves us and gave His life for us.

There is still hope for the world today, according to 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." If we would do this, we would have the remedy. Unfortunately, hearts have been hardened and many are passing into judgement not knowing the full truth, without repenting or receiving forgiveness of sins in their lives.

Try Jesus today. He is the answer for the world, for you and for me. Be Blessed and Stay Blessed!

Serving Faithfully,

Lady Darlene Newman

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